X (Twitter) List
Adding X (Twitter) List
Option 1
- Hover over the desired section, and click the Add Element:
- Choose the X (Twitter) List element from the modal that appears:
- After you choose the element from the list, drag it to the desired section.
Option 2
- Hover over the left sidebar of the Site Editor and click Build (+) button:
- Choose the element:
- After you choose the element from the list, drag it to the desired section.
Moving and Resizing an X (Twitter) List
Please refer to the Elements Management article to learn more about moving and resizing elements.
Customizing an X (Twitter) List
- Hover over the X (Twitter) List to display the Edit button in its top-right and be able to modify the element's Settings and Design:
Settings Tab
- X (Twitter) Username. Paste an X (Twitter) username into this field.
- Tweets Amount. Drag the resizing control to set the number of tweets to be displayed in the X (Twitter) list.
Design Tab
- Tweets Style. Select style for the X (Twitter) list: Standard or Hidden Header.
- Color Theme. Select a color theme for the X (Twitter) list: White or Transparent.
Deleting X (Twitter) List
- Hover over the X (Twitter) list element and click the Delete button [x] in its top-right: