Images Not Publishing
The publishing system is based on incremental publishing. It means that the first publishing action uploads all project files to hosting. Only changed or newly added files will be uploaded to hosting with every subsequent publish to increase the publishing speeds.
Note: Files shouldn’t be deleted manually from the customer’s hosting.
- If a file is deleted from the customer’s hosting, the the publishing system has no way to identify this. Upon the next publishing action, the deleted file will not be available on the hosting (or on the website). The publishing system will upload changed and newly added files to the hosting.
- In this scenario, deleted files will not render on the customer’s website even if the content is present in the Site Editor. For example, images may appear in the Site Editor but not on the customer’s website.
Project structure (HTML files) is uploaded to hosting immediately when publishing is initiated. Static file uploads can take up to 60 minutes after the project structure is uploaded (during this period, static files are served by the file storage service). Therefore, slight delays may be expected that can result in static files not appearing on hosting immediately after publishing.
If an image is unavailable on the customer’s website:
- Check if the image is available in the Site Editor.
- Try to unpublish the project and publish it again. Check the website again in 60 minutes. This should be sufficient time for static files to be uploaded to hosting (we suggesting that you clear the browser cache).